Sunday, January 8, 2012

Answering some questions!

We've answered all of the questions you have asked via email, Here are the answers!

Q: Is Skye your real name?

 A: Nope! It's an Alias. (:                                                                                           

Q: how many people run the blog and fb?
A: Three so far, We are currently looking for more people to admin!

Q: How old are you guys who run this?
A: I, (Skye B.) am 13, Abbilyn Z is 15 and Jessica B is 21

Q: What is Michelle and Jim bobs birthdays?!?
A:  Michelle's birthday, Sept. 13, 1966,  Jim Bob July 18, 1965

Q: Have you girls ever dated?
A: Um I (Skye B) havent and neither has Abbilyn but Jessica B is married.

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