Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The 20th child.

Dear   people, Michelle and Jim Bob have a choice to have as many kids as they want. Most of you don't even live in the same STATE as the Duggar's so whats the point? There isn't one. In fact, We need more kids like the Duggar children. They are Caring and generous to everyone. They always volunteer  to help out in the community and around the country, Even out of the country for their yearly "El Salvador" mission trip. They are amazing God set children. You don't complain about woman who have 5 kids and they're all lazy and stay at home doing nothing. Why not complain about them? Why don't you tell her to stop having kids? The Duggars are just like every other family! Yes, They are a bit of a bigger family but when you think about it. They are normal! They might not live their lives like you do but other people live like them, And you don't make rude jokes about them I bet. Basically what I'm trying to say is, Just because you don't want as many kids as them, Doesn't give you a right to hate them and tell her to get birth control, Because many people don't know that after she had Josh, She had a miscarriage due to taking birth control not knowing she was pregnant. Is it so bad she doesn't want to lose another baby? It hurt Michelle and Jim Bob to lose a child and they felt that they would let God decide when he wants her to have children. It's not your place to tell her to stop having children.~ Duggar Family Fan Blog.

1 comment:

  1. The Duggars are a wonderful family. It's sad how people talk about them. Are you going to continue posting on here? You may be interested in these two blogs:




    The Wordpress blog is run by some friends of mine.

    ~Joy Caroline
